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How can I use my Visa card online?

Choose what you want to buy and follow the steps:

  1. Click the "Checkout" button (or equivalent) when you want to finalize the purchase;
  2. In the payment information area, select "Visa Debit" (if available) or "Visa" as the "card type";
  3. Enter your Coverflex card number and expiration date in the fields where they are requested;
  4. If requested, enter the security code in the "CVV2" or "CSC" field. The security code is a 3-digit number found on the back of your card;
  5. After you verify that all information is correct, complete the transaction. Some sites will take you to a final screen where you can confirm all the information you have provided. Then just click "Buy" (or equivalent) and the payment is processed.
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