Articles in this section

What information do I need to provide while adding employees?

We'll need your employees':

  • Tax number;
  • Full name;
  • Email;
  • Region of fiscal address;

You can use our Excel template, Google Sheets or Numbers. When you use our template, on column "AY" you will see the results of our control to make sure that the upload goes through correctly. If there's an "OK" with a green background on every line, all is good. If not, one or more of these errors might be happening:

  • Repeated tax number - there's another line in the file with the same tax number; or you have already added an employee with that tax number;
  • Repeated email - there's another line in the file with the same email; or you have already added an employee with that email;
  • Missing information - if you have a tax number, all the cells of that line need to be filled in;
  • Issue with tax number's length - the tax number does not have 9 characters (excluding spaces);
  • Issue with commas - there are commas in one or more cells on that line.

Important note: if employee's tax number doesn't have 9 characters, you can add zeros to the left if your tax number has less than 9 characters".

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